Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is Cairo!

This one kid last night wouldn't stop saying "This is Cairo, man!" "We're in Cairo!" "What happens in Cairo stays in Cairo" - that kind of stuff. Oy vey.

Anyway, Sara and I have adopted TIC, semi-ironically.

Some random pictures and thoughts...This Is Cairo:

Everything is on the 5th or 6th or 7th floor! I have never taken so many stairs and/or terrifyingly rickety elevators in one day in my life!

When it rains - and the other day it DID - the streets fill with gigantic puddles. What, you Americans expect a drainage system?? Mafeesh mumkin!

Dear Sir: Why do you look so grumpy? Are you selling stools? I would like one stool, please! Love, Meredith

This is my elevator! This morning I pinched my finger in the gate. It lurches a lot when it starts and sometimes I think I will plummet to an early grave. So far, I have not. Updates to follow.

This is the view from a window in the stairwell and from my balcony, looking over to the balcony next door, and of some shack below my window?...Abey baby, these are for you!
Nothing is finished - there are bricks and building materials everywhere, and half-empty buildings sans explanation.

Garden City, obvi

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