Monday, January 28, 2008

Snippets of today

Orientation was nice, very similar to any American university - tours, information tables, lots of forms and booklets and packets, orientation leaders in bright red t-shirts. I got kind of antsy because I am not very good at listening to long lists of important details, but I found out lots of good stuff about getting my student visa.

There were sign-up sheets for trips organized by the Student Activities people, but a lot of them were full by the time Sara and I got there - I'm not sure I want to do all the trips with a big group of AUCians, anyway. Much more my style to go explore with a small group, and I have 4.5 months to fit all of that in. For now, I just want to live here.

When I got back to the hostel this afternoon, Amir and Tabib had just sat down for a home-cooked meal and they insisted I join them. There was some kind of meat (probably beef or lamb) and potatoes, tomatoes, salty rice, and pita. It was all lazeez (delicious), and I was soon shebAb (full). Also, Amir gave me a little bracelet of wood beads! I'll be sad to move out, but Sara and I are resolved to visit often.

I spoke with Mineet, our simsar, on the phone today. We will meet up midday on Wednesday in front of the main AUC gate, and she'll show us some apartments available in Garden City.

This afternoon on the way home:
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Why are you so beautiful?"
I cracked up - that's a great line, buddy.

Also, I ran into my "nice sunglasses" friend from the first day, and he said he's sad that I haven't come by the Pharaoh's Palace yet. I told him "mumkin, mumkin!"

"Khalas" and "mumkin" are the most valuable words I know right now. "Khalas" means "enough," and it's great for getting rid of persistent salesmen or overly-friendly men.

I'm getting pretty good at doing time conversions in my head.

There are stray cats everywhere and they are beautiful. Sara, Jen, and Alisa keep reminding me not to touch them - I won't, I swear!

Greek Campus is gorgeous.

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