Friday, January 25, 2008

Sabah' ilKheer, Qaahira!

Ahlan wa sahlan fee Qaahira, Meredith!

Why thank you, City of Cairo. I'm happy to be here.

But seriously - finally, I have arrived! After two flights and one interminable layover (albeit spent in a lovely lounge with open bar), ana jaatu.

There were 25 other AUC-bound chickadees on my flight, about 20 of them from Georgetown. I was the only one who hadn't procured my visa ahead of time. Guess what? It took 5 minutes and $15, and I changed some money while I was at it. (Thanks for the tip, Chels!)

I couldn't find the guy who was supposed to give me a free ride to the hostel, so I tagged along with the rest of the student crew and hitched a ride on the AUC bus. Forty minutes later I was dropped off in the less-than-lovely atrium of #2 Shampilion St. The open-air elevator to the 7th floor barely held me and my two (admittedly overstuffed) duffles. I'm actually shocked it could carry us.

But I made it! And was welcomed to the 7th floor by a cheerful sign announcing the Desert Safari Hostel, "Backpacker's Point"

I was checked in by a friendly man named Iz. We agreed that his name is easier to remember than is mine. He asked if my bags were just for me, or if they were also for my friend (Sara) who arrives today. Just for me, dear Iz. He also told me of the saga of the last taxi driver, who waited and waited at the exit gate for me, but to no avail. I felt like a foreign idiot and apologized profusely. I did call when I left the airport on the AUC bus though, so that no one would wait!

No double room was available last night, so Iz showed me to an open triple, with a grizzly Italian man snoozing in the corner bed.
I learned he was Italian only upon perusing his nightstand guides to Egipto this morning - last night, he was just a strange gray-haired man in my bedroom. I called Mom in the dark, assured her I had a nice clean room to myself (it is clean), changed into my PJs, and crawled under the covers - taking my purse, camera, and iPod with me.

This morning I woke up at 7 when Mr. MangoTree (this is the brand of his long underwear) was dressing, but I naturally pretended to be asleep to avoid uncomfortable shared bedroom conversation. Now it is noon, and I am still in my pajamas. I want to shower, but I'm unsure how to make the move from my room to the shared bathroom across the hall. I'll dig out my flipflops and a towel soon, and I think I'll bring all my clothes with me as well - I am nothing if not a pillar of modesty!

It is Friday, so the muezzins' calls are flooding in through the window, which I recently wrenched open. Also, lots of honking - honking is big here.
It's very sunny, and either smoggy or hazy. It's probably about 60 F - should probably start figuring out my C.

Amir just came to tell me it's time to move to my other room! Huzzah!

Have I mentioned yet that I could fall in love with an Egyptian man?

I could fall in love with an Egyptian man.

EDIT: My new room has a balcony! And its own bathroom! Still no lock on the door though, can't have everything. Pictures soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

fucking awesome!!!!