Saturday, January 26, 2008

Football, Stella, falafel, and shisha

Update in the morning - after Sara and I race over to AUC to register for classes and take our Arabic placement.

For now, suffice it to say we had a fun night!

And Egypt won the soccer game, for the record.


I just wore myself out writing about registration, but here are some pictures from before my camera battery died last night.

my photography is deplorable but I like candids better than poses, so here is one of Alisa (WE FINALLY FOUND EACH OTHER, HAMDULILLAH!!) and part of Sara at Aubergine - this was after the game ended and the bar cleared out a lot.

There was a big fight! apparently this is not common in this bar cause it's pretty ritzy, but something got them going. probably all the adrenaline from the football game! Anyway, we were safe in our corner, but all the girlfriends were yelling at their men to stop being idiots and calm down "AHMED! Get OVER here!" - some things don't need translation haha

^actually I think that picture is before the fight evolved from a "discussion" into a scuffle...notice everyone looking curiously over at the gesticulating man in white.

again, my skills at work. Charlie! and Jenn! and Steve is in the background.

okay, that's pretty much all that's worth posting for now.

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